miércoles, noviembre 09, 2022


Hoy llevo unos pantalones diferentes de Cordera. Son muy cómodos y originales y qué me decís del color! 

La camiseta y la chaqueta pintalabios son de La Condesa, pendientes Mèduse de Jawual y bolso cubo de Tándem.





2 comentarios:

  1. Anónimo8:15

    Dating again to the 바카라 사이트 late 1800s and with a history rooted in the California Gold Rush, “slots” use the rules of likelihood and likelihood to beguile gamers and create a revenue for house owners. The design of slot machines has evolved from cellular mechanical parts to mostly digital elements over the course of the final century, but their allure and attraction remain strong. With the arrival of computer servers and live streaming of data, slot machines are poised to intrigue and befuddle a brand new} technology of gamblers hoping to hit the jackpot. Some sorts of slot machines can be linked together in a setup typically recognized as|often recognized as} a "group" sport. The most simple form of this setup involves progressive jackpots may be} shared between the financial institution of machines, but could embody multiplayer bonuses and different options.


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